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DATAFY RF Remote Control Page Turner for Kindle Paperwhite Kobo eReaders Camera Remote Shutter, Wireless Page Turner for iPhone ipad Android Tablets Reading Novels




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  • 9.9

    DATAFY RF Remote Control Page Turner for Kindle Paperwhite Kobo eReaders Camera Remote Shutter, Wireless Page Turner for iPhone ipad Android Tablets Reading Novels

    Main highlights
    • 【Wireless Remote Control】Camera and Video Remote for Smartphones. Which enable you to take photos, selfie or video by yourself no matter where you areFunctioning as a remote shutter release, it solves the awkward situation of taking outdoor pictures without assistance. Whether for selfies or group photos, this remote button effortlessly handles it. Leaves your hands free.
    • 【Type-C charging】USB charging eliminates the trouble of changing batteries. If you use Screen sensor Clip to read a book for 3.4 hours, it can standby for 1 month. If you use RF Remote to read a book for 3.4 hours, it can standby for 3 months. Without worrying about frequent charging. Packaging Details: Screen sensor Clip*1, RF Remote*1, Type-C Cable*1, User's manual *1, Storage bag*1, Hand strap*1
    • 【Remote Page Turner for Kindle】With the page turning remote control, no need to continuously touch the Kindle screen to flip pages. Simply press the button for remote page flipping. Adapt to multiple platforms, Kindle page turner (Incompatible Devices: Kindle 8th Generation), iPhone iPad page turner, Android tablets page turner, Kobo E-Reader page turner. Page turner be designed with mute button,when you reading in the night,will not noise others.Incompatible Devices: Kindle 8th Generation
    • 【Longest Warranty and 24 support】DATAFY remote controller page turner is backed by 36 month warranty. If you experience any quality issues with your page turner. Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems. Find order---Contact seller
    • 【Easy and practical】The page turner does not require a Bluetooth connection. Clip it when you use it,Take it off when not in use. Just press the controller button and go to the next page immediately. It supports all capaci-tive touch screens. Note: please pair before using the page turner. It only supports page forward but not backward.

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